Page name: rats unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-03 07:21:23
Last author: Demon Epona
Owner: *oi!*
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Rats Unite
This wiki is for all the rat lovers out though….you don’t have to have a rat to join….actually you can have any kind of rodent. Anyway come join!

You can make your own badge if you want to…it’s all welcome.

Rat Sayings
“Comparing a domestic rat to a wild rat is like comparing a poodle to a wolf.”
“rats are like potato chips…you can’t have just one.”

If you were on here before sorry but someone had to destroy this wiki so just add yourself again…thanks
[*oi!*]-founder…I have 6 rats and 5 mice at the moment…Lucy, Meitte, Jack, Tucker, Honey and Emo. And I never really named the mice but 2 of them are wild. I caught them in the house.
[Rattie] - woooooooooooo....RATS rule!!...i LOVE them!!<3<3
[over stimulated kittie] - I used to have 16 rats. All white with red eyes. They were pretty...
[bac787] I love my Socrates! 
[Static Lullaby] I use to have 20 rats where I lived before, Then I had 16 here before we gave two away and now I have 14 and we're thinking of breeding them xD
[Calypso22] i love my baby--my rat--Calypso :)
[spongemonkey] sooo many rodents, soooo mannyyy...
[none0000] omg my rat is soo cute and i love her dearly!!
[Arethusa] just caught a mouse in my house!(named it Master P) lol and have had rodents all my life
[Lhung Eruva] I hate how people say they hate rats but I love them
Some great websites to check out about rats -has everything you need to know about rats

pet rat pictures-this is where you can post pics of your rats. We’d love to see them
missed rats-dedicated to all those rats that have past away and are very missed

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2004-03-31 [*oi!*]: I love my rats

2004-04-02 [Cuddle Junkie]: me too

2004-04-02 [Radac]: yay!!! we all do!

2004-04-07 [Cuddle Junkie]: WOOT WOOT!!!

2004-04-07 [hotty420]: I love my rat!!!!

2004-04-11 [deleted, gone]: I love ndc's + nalani's rats!

2004-04-11 [deleted, gone]: what about lillie?! hehe shes a small animal! : ) aww and oh so cute!!!

2004-04-11 [*oi!*]: okay okay lillie can be on here too even though she's a dog

2004-04-15 [Cuddle Junkie]: wooo for my rats!! hehe

2004-04-16 [*oi!*]: oooh my poor jake got hurt in his cage cause his tail got stuck and not it was a black ring on it :(

2004-04-16 [jizz]: yay for rats!! WOOHOO! -pets poor jake- there there :)

2004-04-16 [*oi!*]: he he he I'll pet him for you while he talks in my ear

2004-04-22 [*oi!*]: jack is chewing off the end of his tail! I have to bring him to the vet to get it disinfected

2004-04-26 [Atos]: Hi everybody! just put me and my rats on here. Hey, how can I get the banner?

2004-04-29 [*oi!*]: right click on the pic and click properties...highlight the address and copy and paste it into your front of the address type <img: and then at the end type > and thats it

2004-04-29 [*oi!*]: I'm doing a science project about rats with cuddle_junkie he he he

2004-05-03 [Atos]: don't see no properties when I click the pic....

2004-05-05 [deleted, gone]: right click the pic. scroll 2 properties, copy adress. in ur house put<*img: then paste, after put*> only leave out both ** ok?

2004-05-10 [Atos]: I work with mac... I only got one friggen mouse button. And it just won't work!!! Besides that, my browser runs in german and I can only try to interpret what properties would be called here.... can't someone just copy the link from there own house into on here or message me... PLEASE!!!

2004-05-10 [Atos]: Whooo! O just find out that I can actually drag and drop... hehe... thanks for the help anyway!

2004-05-10 [deleted, gone]: ok. so it worked?

2004-05-10 [Atos]: Yep! I finally got the badge up on my house.

2004-05-10 [deleted, gone]: yeahy!

2004-05-13 [conscience]: aww, i wish i hadn't found this page, now i really miss my poor old rat... rest in peace basil!

2004-05-14 [deleted, gone]: ohhhh sorry : ( hes in rat heaven though

2004-05-20 [IndigoRose]: Awwwwww.....look at the cute lil rats^_^ *pets banner rats with finger* I'm gonna join this wiki because I like animals.rodents and all :-)

2004-05-20 [IndigoRose]: I don't own any exactly but I appreciate them. I think that counts for something

2004-05-22 [deleted, gone]: yeah me 2 i love nals + nikis though. need to get more pics ub ndc!

2004-06-01 [bac787]: I wish I knew how to put more pics on my house... If I did I would have to put some up of my two babys.

2004-06-01 [deleted, gone]: ill message you w/ how to do that.........

2004-06-01 [bac787]: THANKS!!!!!

2004-06-02 [deleted, gone]: anytime!!!

2004-06-02 [Quantum Clairvoyant]: Why is my rat chewing off the end of her tail? >_<

2004-06-02 [Atos]: maybe it's because it's lonely... you should always have at least 2 of them.

2004-06-03 [deleted, gone]: oh dear

2004-06-03 [deleted, gone]: nikki whos your rats tail?

2004-06-03 [bac787]: It may be obsessive compulsive.... It hasn't been itching has it?

2004-06-03 [deleted, gone]: nikkis got stuck

2004-06-04 [*oi!*]: theres a reason why they do that but I cant think of what it is....look it up online

2004-06-04 [*oi!*]: Jacks tail is much only has a red dot on the end now

2004-06-04 [bac787]: I will try to get a better one of both of them...

2004-06-05 [*oi!*]: I might end of making a wiki link for the pics but post away!!

2004-06-05 [deleted, gone]: oh yeahy! jacks gettin better! : )     i love the new pics! so cute!

2004-06-06 [bac787]: My pics are getting lonely! Please someone else post!

2004-06-06 [*oi!*]: me and cuddle_junkie will have some pics today

2004-06-06 [*oi!*]: hey if you guys know of any good websites about rats go ahead and add them!!

2004-06-07 [bac787]: AWW! How cute! :)

2004-06-07 [*oi!*]: he he he

2004-06-08 [deleted, gone]: ohhhhhhhhh look! *points @ screen* my wannabee babys!!!

2004-06-08 [*oi!*]: lol right laura....CrAzY CrAyOn!!!! he he he

2004-06-08 [deleted, gone]: ahhhhhh noooo!!!!!! i went 2 pick up my hampster and she fell on her back from like 4'!!! i hope she'll b ok!!!!!! ohhhhhhh

2004-06-08 [bac787]: Hampsters are rather bouncy... She should be fine

2004-06-08 [deleted, gone]: ohhhh : (   she does seem to be fine, er uh hungry @ least! lol

2004-06-09 [*oi!*]: if she's eating...she's fine...when I had a hamster it jumb from a carbored about 5 ft high and it lived to be able to crawl in the furnace....I'm sorry for telling everyone that but it's try...hamsters are stupid lol rats are better he he he

2004-06-09 [deleted, gone]: yeah they are.........but i still love mine

2004-06-09 [deleted, gone]: kept me up all freakin night on its wheel! thanx nikki lol

2004-06-09 [*oi!*]: he he I'm glad my rats are too smart to run on a wheel

2004-06-09 [bac787]: My rat would sleep on top of his wheel... Thats how he got out once.

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